Home learning for Thursday

From the timetable you will see that we will be covering a variety of things today. All of these lessons are live and all of the children were sent a link at the start of the week. It has been good to see some of the children join us already. The children in class have enjoyed seeing their friends.

For maths there is a Lesson plan  that says what we will be covering with time. The children in school will work from a text book but those at home could try the Homework sheet  or Support sheet. Alternatively they can join the live lesson.

For English we are continuing to work on our book Because of Mr Terupt. We have looked at the story from 7 characters: Alexia, Anna, Danielle, Jeffrey, Jessica, Luke and Peter. Describe what each character is like and what September was like as an overall view as opposed to each individual child. Predict what might happen in October.

For reading comprehension try the sheets about Tim Peake. These are differentiated so choose a suitable level.

After lunch we have handwriting – practising this is always a useful thing.

We then move onto science. The children can either join the lesson or have a look at the Lesson Plan. They will then need to look at Activity Sheet, Time Zone Challenge Cards, Time Zones by Country Map.

The day will finish with me reading Freddie’s Marvellous Adventures book.

If your child is not feeling well then they do not need to worry about these activities. If they could read their books it would be good.

I look forward to seeing all of the class being back in school soon.

Mr Morris