Home learning for Room 7

Dear Parents,

Throughout last term I was commenting on how well all of the children in Room 7 had been doing. For Parents Evening I told you how well I said they were performing in relation to end of year expectations.

I know many of you are thrilled with how scores are improving week upon week with arithmetic tests. So many children are improving in their reading and writing too. Earlier today I posted an overview of the planning for the term.

During this home schooling I do not just want to direct you to BBC Bitesize or Oak Academy. The overview was planned out so that all of the areas of the curriculum will be covered before the end of the year.

I have no idea, if as time progresses, if the government will cancel this years SATs. If they don’t I do not want all of the hard work the children have put in so far being lost over this home learning time.

Speaking with lots of you I know some of the children struggled with not seeing their friends and a lack of routine. I want to try to reduce some of these struggles.

We are really well placed for home learning as we have been working on the computers for 15 months or so. Before Christmas we had a session where we worked as if we were at home. During this session the children were sent a link to their emails so that they could join the rest of the class in a team meeting. EVERY child was able to do this.

So starting this Wednesday this is how I envisage the days going until the 18th.:

I want to stick to following our curriculum overview.

I will send the children who are at home a link so that they can ‘join’ the lessons that the children in school will be completing.

I will teach the lesson with those at home being able to watch the lesson.

I will put links to differentiated sheets.

If any child is unsure of what to do they will be able to put their hand up on the computer and then ask me to go over it again for them on the board.

I will put a daily schedule up with timings for the lessons. The children will not have to watch the lesson but it will help them know what to do. I am not sure of how this will work but at least this way there will be a routine and the children can see each other.

If you have any questions then please email me. I am in school tomorrow and will be able to call any of you then if you prefer a phone conversation than emails.

I hope you all stay safe as that is the main priority.
