Home learning for Monday 21st September

Here is what we will doing tomorrow (Monday) at school.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Do the Dino BoogieBeebies


We are going to start looking at 2D shapes. Start by watching this short video: 2D shape song How many of these shapes do you already know? Can you find examples of these shapes around your house?

Have a go at this sheet, matching the name of the shape to the correct picture. How many sides does each shape have? What about corners? 2D shapes


This week we will be looking at labels. What are labels and why are they important? They help us to find things and to know where to get things from in the classroom. For example, if I want to get a glue stick, I would go to the tray labelled, ‘Glue Sticks’. What other labels can you think of?

Have a look in your toy box. Sort your toys into different groups so you have a groups of teddies, a group of Lego, a group of books and a group of trains for example. Can you use your sounds to write labels for each of these groups on small strips of paper? Remember you just need one word each time, so you would need to write ‘trains’ for the train group.


In the afternoon, it is PE with Crossbar. Enjoy this yoga session based on, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Don’t forget to keep reading every day! For extra phonics practise, have a go at writing words containing:

oo, igh, ai, ee and oa. This week we will be learning ‘ar’.

Enjoy your day. x