Home learning for Monday 18th January

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a super weekend. Are you ready to start another week?

Wake Up, Shake Up: Here’s a new one for you as we are learning about animals this term. Big African Animals

New spellings: Here are the spellings we will be working on this week. Most children will be on ‘pink’ but please feel free to choose the words that you think are appropriate for your child. Children who struggle with phonics should be working on the ‘yellow’ words. Here is a grid template if you would like to use it: Look Say Cover grid

Yellow: off, ill, huff, will

Green: boy, toy, joy, so, out

Pink: boys, toys, enjoy, oyster, some, come

Purple: enjoying, annoy, destroy, royal, loyal, school


Starter: Count up to 30 starting from any number. If your child finds this difficult, stick to numbers up to 20. It may help to display the 100 square. Paint the Squares

Discuss what a repeating pattern is. What comes next in these patterns?

Yellows: Complete the patterns – Patchwork Patterns

Greens and blues: Pathway Patterns

Here is an interactive option for those who prefer it or want additional practice: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns

Reading Skills

Read or watch ‘The Gruffalo’ again, asking your child to predict what comes next! The Gruffalo

Once you’ve heard the story again, see if you can answer these questions:

How do you think the mouse feels at the beginning of the story? What about at the end? 

What sort of a character is the mouse? Think of five words to describe him.

Who do you think the main character is in this story? Is it the mouse or the Gruffalo? Maybe it’s both! Discuss your reasons for your answer.


Starter: Can you now confidently spell ‘little’ and ‘said’? Challenge yourself to see how many times you can write each of the words in 1 minute! If you are confident with these words, use one of the spellings you may have got wrong in Friday’s test.

Introduction: Discuss again how Julia Donaldson stories tend to have rhyme in them. Can you think of/find an example of this in a Julia Donaldson story that you know well? Where do the rhyming words tend to be on the page (at the end of the line)? This often helps us to hear the rhyme more clearly as the story is read.

Yellows: using what you know about the story of ‘The Gruffalo’, write the words that rhyme with the given word using your sounds carefully. It is page 1 of this document: The Gruffalo rhyming activities WORD

Greens and blues: complete the sentences using what we know from the story and the rhyme needed. Use pages 2 and 3 of this document:  The Gruffalo rhyming activities WORD

Online rhyming games: rhyming with ‘ug’ rhyming with ‘at’ rhyming with ‘ill’


In the afternoon, we shall be thinking again about special buildings and, in particular, places of worship. All of the special buildings you looked at last week were places of worship. A church is a place of worship. Have you ever been in a church? Why did you go? Have a chat about who you think may visit a church and what sorts of things may happen inside one. Listen to these children talking about what they like about church: Why is church special for Christians?

Can you draw pictures of four reasons why someone may go to church?  These may be four different things that Christians do in church. Here are some ideas: praying, singing, ‘messy church’ (crafts for kids), Sunday School, special assemblies such as Harvest Festivals, Christmas services, weddings, funerals, christenings.


Look at the flashcards for phases 3 and 5a: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/  (pps1, apple) Or use the videos: Phase 3 graphemes  Phase 5 graphemes

For those who find phonics tricky, listen and join in with this song for ‘x’. ‘x’ song

Practise writing ‘x’ in different ways using chalks, pens or crayons. Be creative! How can you make ‘x’ using sticks or spaghetti maybe?!

Enjoy watching Keiko the puppet learning ‘oe’: oe video Join in with the ‘oe’ words as they are shown on the screen.

Can you write down these short words using the new ‘oe’?

toe, foe, woe, doe

You may want to have a go at finding ‘oe’ words in this wordsearch. Only print page 1! oe word search

Have a super day, everybody!

Mts Garcia x