Home learning for Fri 15th January

Friday seems to have come around really quickly! It must mean it is time to find out if you are a super speller this week!

Wake Up, Shake UpGo Go Mango

Spelling test: Test yourself on the spellings that you have been practising this week. If you have your spelling folders, then write your score in. New spellings will be outlined on Monday’s post (published Sunday afternoon/evening).

Music: Do you remember what ‘pitch’ means? Watch the short video and join in with the game that the children are playing: understanding pitch

There is also this short lesson about pitch from The Oak Academy: pitch lesson

Have a look at the pictures of the animals. What noise does each animal make? Is it a high pitched noise, low pitched or somewhere in the middle? Can you put the cards in order according to pitch?


Today we are looking at odd and even numbers. Start by watching this video and having a go at the short activity: odd and even numbers

It may help you today if you use the ‘Paint the Squares’ game (to 20) and start by highlighting all of the numbers you say when you count in twos. Paint the Squares

You can then refer to this to help you work out which numbers are even (our multiples of 2) and which ones then must be odd. A bit like how we use our patterned rulers at school! What do you notice about all of the even numbers? What digits do they end in? What about the odd numbers?

Yellows: Cut out the flowers and decide if each of the numbers is odd or even: odd and evens gardens

Greens: Decide if each of the numbers are odd or even: odd and even numbers sorting to 20

Blues: Sort the numbers into odd and even. Remember what the last digits tell you about each number. Do NOT print page 1! odd and even numbers sorting higher ability


Do you remember when we looked at timelines as part of our topic on toys and we put the toys in order? We started with the old toys that our grandparents played with, then we had the toys that our parents played with, then the toys that teenagers may play with and lastly the toys that children today play with.

This is a really good PowerPoint for understanding how a basic timeline may look for a 7 year old: Meet Sammy time lines

Can you make a time line for your life? Here is a template you may wish to use: time line template

When you have finished, you may want to look at this information about what life was like for a Tudor child! Tudor children

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Garcia x