Home learning for 22.3.22

Morning! Here are the home learning activities for yesterday.


We started off by recapping doubles facts up to 5+5, making sure that everyone understood what ‘double’ means. Tell an adult these facts, using equipment if you need to see the two amounts being added.

We then looked at how we can use doubles facts to help us solve other questions more quickly. If we know that 1+1 is 2, then how can we use this to help us solve 1+2? 2 is one more, so we can just add 1! How about using what we know about double 2 to solve 2+3? Double 2 is 4, then add 1 more! Have a go at the questions on this sheet. The first one has been partly done for you, but you will need to match the number sentence with the cake showing the correct amount of candles as the answer.


In English, we have been ordering events from ‘Room on the Broom’ and retelling the story. Use these pictures to order what happens. Then, use the pictures to talk through the story. room-on-the-broom-sequencing

Yesterday, we moved on to reading the ‘Room on the Broom’ playscript and some of us were brilliant at using voices for each character. As you retell the story, see if you can do any of the voices for the witch, bird, dog, frog and dragon etc.!


Enjoy playing some games using your phonic knowledge, on PhonicsPlay. Choose a grapheme that you feel less confident with, within Phase 5. Phonics Play (User is pps1, password is apple).


The children had PE in the afternoon. Make the most of the sunshine by going out for a walk. What new plants can you see? Can you spot buds on the trees?

Have a super day and see you soon.