Home learning for 14.1.21

Hi everyone. I hope you are all keeping well. Here are the activities for Thursday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Hey Monkey!


Starter: Count to 20 and back. Then, start at any number and count up to 30.

What does it mean if a number is ‘between’? Write down two numbers (for example 5 and 7) and work out which number lies between them, in the middle. Do some more of these, sticking to the numbers your child is confident with. Ideally, children should be able to cope with numbers to 20 but some may prefer to stick below 10. Very confident children may want to try numbers up to 50 or even higher. Ensure your child can also tell you what number comes ‘before’ and which one comes ‘after’, using the numbers you have given.


Write what numbers are missing ‘before’, ‘between’ and ‘after’ the ones given. Use the number line to help you.  beforebetweenafter-activity-sheet

If your child is confident with this, have a go at the activity outlined for the green group.


Cut out the numbers at the bottom of the sheet and work out which one to place where. Ordering Owls


Work out which numbers are missing. Be careful because some of these sequences go backwards and they do not necessarily count on or back in ones! before-between-and-after-activity-sheet

If printing is a problem, then you may prefer to do this activity online. Try to ask your child questions about the numbers using the words ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘between’ to build up their understanding of this vocabulary: Chinese dragon sequencing and ordering


Read or watch ‘Room on the Broom’ again, but this time pause the video or your reading so your child can say what will happen next.

Using the pictures from ‘Room on the Broom’ from yesterday’s post, again discuss what happens at the beginning, the middle and the end of the story. Can you write a sentence for each of the pictures this time? Remember to use a capital letter for each of your sentences and use a full stop at the end.

If you are in blue group, try to use ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’ or ‘because’ in each of your sentences.


Remember to keep practising your sounds daily. Some parents have reported problems with Phonics Play so you may prefer to refer to these videos:Phase 3 graphemes Phase 5 graphemes

Can you find the ‘aw’ words in the word search? aw word search


Today we will be talking about what all animals need to survive. Do you have a pet or know someone who has? How do you/they look after the animal? If you don’t have a pet, imagine that you do! Make a poster to show all the different things you would need to do to make sure the animal stays healthy.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Garcia x