Home learning for 13.1.21

Here are our activities for Wednesday 13th January.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Building


Starter: Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s using the 100 square if you need to: online 100 square

Today is our last day for a while of dealing with money. We will use our counting in 10s skill to find out total amounts of money. If possible, have a look at a £5 and a £10 note. Why do you think we have paper money?

Yellows: Practise paying for different items around your house using only 10ps. Your items will need to priced using multiples of 10 (so 10p, 20p, 30p, 40p etc). How many 10ps do you need to use? Count carefully in 10s as you pay. You may prefer to play this game (choose ‘one coin’ and ’10p up to £1′): Toy Shop money game If you find money particularly tricky, you may want to stick with 1ps and practise counting out small amounts.

Greens: Find the totals by counting in tens. There are a lot of sheets on this file! You only need to do the first sheet, unless you fancy having a go at page 2 too (the children may find going above £1 tricky). how-much-money-is-in-my-jar-counting-in-10s-activity-sheets

Blues: Work out how many 10ps or £1 coins you would need to use to make the amounts shown: counting in 10ps and £1s

Reading Skills

Enjoy reading or listening to The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson. Discuss who the characters are in this story. Where does this story take place? Do you like this story? Why? What was your favourite part? Is there rhyme in the story?


Starter: Play the video and join in with reading the words containing ‘aw’. aw video

Today we will look at how stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. Think about your favourite Julia Donaldson story. What happens at the beginning? What about at the end? The middle of the story can involve quite a lot and there is usually some sort of problem that needs fixing! What is the problem in your favourite Julia Donaldson story? 

Use the cards from ‘Room on the Broom’ to order events in the story and then retell the story. Can you use a witch voice?! How about a scary, ferocious voice for the dragon? Room on the Broom sequencing

Which of these pictures would be considered the beginning of the story? Which ones belong in the middle? Which ones are the end (the problem is now resolved)? If you want to you can use this sheet to position the events in the right place: Room on the Broom beg,mid,end

You may want to have a go at sequencing other stories too. Here are some pictures for  ‘Superworm’. Superworm pictures 


The children at school are doing PE today. Have a go at this routine based on ‘The Snail and the Whale’: Dance – Lift Wanted

You may also want to take part in this fun yoga session. We use CosmicKids at school. Most of the routines on that site are completely free. Yoga Hungry Caterpillar

Have a super day everyone. Try to get some fresh air too and remember to keep practising your spellings for this week.

Mrs Garcia x