Home learning for 12.1.21

Hi everyone. I hope everyone is keeping well. Here are the activities for Tuesday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Go Go Mango


Starter: Show your child different combinations of coins using 1ps, 2ps, 5ps,10ps, 20ps and 50ps. The combinations that you use will depend on the confidence of your child. Only very confident children (those likely to be in blue group) will probably cope with higher amounts involving 20p and 50p. Most children will need to just stick with 1ps, 2ps and 5ps. The idea with starters is to keep it simple! Just show your child two or three coins at a time. Can they quickly tot up the total?

Next, introduce your child to the £1 and £2 coins. Have a look at the colour, the shape and the size of these coins. Do they have any pictures on them? This is a nice activity if you want to build up your child’s confidence in recognising coins: British coins

Yellows and greens: Use the number line on the sheet to add coins together. Try hard to use the number line but if you are struggling, feel free to use practical equipment (counters, dry pasta or pennies, etc.). money addition

Blues: Can you solve this problem below? You can only use silver coins so you may need to count in 5s and 10s to help you find totals more quickly.

monster money problem


Last week we were discussing what being healthy means. Today, let’s think about healthy food. What sorts of things do you like to eat? Which of your favourite foods are healthy and which are less healthy? Work through this online activity which introduces the different food groups. Don’t worry about doing ‘main session 2’. Healthy eating


Have a go at this game which involves typing a word before the ghosts get too close! Quite tricky!! ghost typing


Start by recalling some of the characters in Julia Donaldson stories. How many can you name? What do we mean by the ‘main’ character? Enjoy reading or watching ‘Room on the Broom’ and then see if you can name all of the characters. Room on the Broom

Who is the main character in this story? (the witch) Why? (the story could not happen without her!)

Use the sheet to describe the witch and the dragon from the story and to think about what they may say. There are some good adjectives on this sheet so try to use some of them in your descriptions. You may want to write sentences on paper instead as there is not much room on the sheet. witch and dragon descriptions

If you are in blue group, please try to use ‘and’, ‘but’ or ‘because’ in your sentences. Remember to make sure that every sentence starts with a capital letter and ends in either a full stop or an exclamation mark.


This afternoon we are sketching Tudor buildings. Look again at the examples of Tudor buildings or find your own example on the internet. Can you use your pencil carefully and copy the building by drawing it on blank paper? Take your time with this.


Start by going through the flashcards: Flashcards (pps1; apple) Phase 3, then 5a.

Today we are learning ‘aw’. Watch Geraldine Giraffe: aw video

Ask an adult to tell you some ‘aw’ words and have a go at writing them without looking (paw, claw, raw, saw, straw, shawl).

Enjoy playing the snakes and ladders game with a family member. Every time you get to an ‘aw’ word, you need to read it correctly in order to move on! aw-sound-snakes-and-ladders

Enjoy your day. Remember that there is no pressure to complete all of these tasks! Feel free to pick and choose.

Mrs Garcia x