Home Learning – an update!

The most important thing we want to say is thank you to our families. The staff have been so impressed by the way in which you have tackled the challenges of home learning. We all recognise how difficult this time is and appreciate your sensible approach! Please remember that the learning suggestions we put on the website are there to support you and your child; they are not a ‘must do’ list. We trust you to work out what works best for your family. If anybody needs advice or support, please get in touch and we will do our best to help.

As you will be aware, a number of staff are working on a rota to run the key worker children care in school. On those days, the staff working with children in school are finding it a bit tricky to maintain the close email contact with parents and children that we manage on working from home days. We would just like to make you aware that there may be days when teachers can’t respond or mark work due to their day working with children in school. We will try and post on the website if we are on the rota so you can see if your child’s teacher is in school that day. Similarly, on days when teachers are in school all day with the key worker children, we may be posting the next day’s work a bit later than usual. We will still try and get it online before bedtime so that you can have a look at what is coming up!

Thank you for your continued support and understanding. This wonderful school community has come together so brilliantly to stay home and stay safe in these extraordinary times.