Home learning 9.12.20

Here are the activities that we did in class today for anyone self-isolating.


Today we were talking about halving amounts. Remember that ‘half’ means making two equal parts or groups, so if we were to find half of 4 sweets, we would share the sweets out one by one until both groups had two each in them.

It may help to use practical equipment to help solve these questions or you may find that the pictures on the sheet are enough to work out the answers: halving


We have been using the following website to practise spelling out our names. We talked about needing a capital letter for our first letter. Have a go! https://www.abcya.com/games/alphabet_number_magnets


We had a chat about time connectives and how they start sentences when we are writing instructions. Can you order the sentences using the time connectives to help you? Check your instructions by reading them and following them – you will need to pretend that you are at school! instructions familiar task muddled


We have been talking about how the clothes we wear differ according to the weather and seasons. Can you tell an adult what the four seasons are? What is the weather like in each of these seasons? Can you draw items of clothing that someone may wear in each of the seasons? How do the clothes differ? What might some of the items be made out of?


Today we learnt ‘ea’ as in ‘sea’ and ‘pea’. Can you write these words using the grapheme?

peach, teach, seat, cheap, cheat, repeat

Have a lovely day. x