Home learning 8.3.22


Today we were counting in ‘lots of’ to find totals. Have a practise to start with, counting in 2s, then 5s and then 10s. Then, use these skills to match the right total with the amount of bugs. Remember not to let yourself count in ones! How many bugs?


Today, we did a reading assessment. You will get the chance to do this when you return to school. Why not have a go at this reading task as practice! Early Reading Comprehension


Enjoy playing a game on this site: Forest Phonics – mobile friendly (ictgames.com) Choose a grapheme which you need extra practise with. Remember to also practise your spellings. What is the grapheme in this week’s spellings? Can you think of more words that have this grapheme?


This afternoon was PE with Crossbar. Go for a walk with a grown up or spend time playing in your garden. Look for some signs of spring whilst you are out! Here is a yoga routine if you prefer an indoors activity: Squish the Fish