Home Learning 6.6.21

Sorry for the delay in posting some materials due to our computer change over.

This week we have acted out our shadow puppet shows for the rest of the class.  Could you try to act out your show to an audience at home?

On Monday we went to visit our new classes for next year.  The children in Room 2 made an information poster for Mrs Gwyther, telling her all about themselves.

I’d like you to design your poster as a double page spread including information under the following headings.

Personal Information


Achievements and ambitions

Highlights from Year 3

What I’m looking forward to in Year 4

Anything else.

You can set it out how you wish and add any pictures or decoration.


Today we look at pictograms and tally charts.  Please try the sheet below.  You may need to copy out the tally charts if you don’t have a printer.

Maths sheet

This afternoon we designed an ancient Greek vase.  We looked at examples and chose a story to show on our vase.  We also practised some patterns to use to decorate the top and bottom of our vase.  Please have a go at designing a vase – use the patterns below to help you.
