Home learning 4.4.22


Today, we have been ordering the days of the week and months of the year. We started by listening – and joining in with – the days of the week song: Days of the Week

Can you write the days of the week in order on the sheet, using your neatest writing and remembering to use a capital letter for each?

Before you do the months of the year, have a watch of this animation and join in! https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/songs/time-another-


In English, we recapped examples of rhyme and alliteration. Do you remember what alliteration is? What about onomatopoeia?! We then watched, and joined in with, ‘Doing the Animal Bop’. Can you find any rhyme in this poem? Is there any alliteration or onomatopoeia? Choose a favourite animal and see if you can learn the verse for it so you know it off by heart. You may want to put actions with it too! Do the Animal Bop


In Science, we were thinking about suitable clothing to wear in each type of weather. Dress up the animals in the right clothing, according to the season. Dress for the season 


Spend time practising your spellings and put each one into a sentence, starting with a capital letter and ending in a full stop. Maybe you could challenge yourself to think of at least one sentence that would use an exclamation mark and one which would use a question mark.

We did an assessment today which you will have chance to do when you return to school.

Have a super day.