Home learning 4.11.21

Here is the home-learning for those self-isolating.

Spellings and Reading

Practice your spellings and read your reading book.

In Letters and Sounds today, we have been learning how to spell the tricky words: Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked. Can you write these sentences down when an adult says them to you?                                                                                                                                   Is it Mrs Brown’s birthday today?                                                                                         Mr Green called today and asked if he can help.                                                                 Mr and Mrs Smith looked sad this morning.


In Maths today, we compared heights and said which items were taller or shorter. Can you order the people who live in your house in height order? Who is the tallest? Shortest? Then try ordering some of your teddies/toys in height order. Find items in your house that are taller than your favourite teddy then find items which are shorter.


Please watch the Owl Babies video again Owl Babies

Can you role play the story with others at home? Think of something which Sarah, the tallest Owl Baby, might say. Draw Sarah sitting on her biggest branch and draw a speech bubble next to her. Write the sentence you think she might say in the speech bubble. Repeat for Percy and Bill. Alternatively, print this Owl Template


In RE today, We began thinking about Christianity. Who or what is God? Draw and describe what you think. Where could we look or who could we ask if we wanted to find out more?


We continued with our Music lessons today. Explore sounds you can make using your body! Try clapping, stomping, patting your knees and clicking your fingers. You could watch one of these videos for some inspiration! Body Percussion song

Have fun!