Home learning 4.10.21


Every Friday, the children will undertake a Year 6 arithmetic paper. This will allow us to keep an eye on how the children are doing and then tweak our planning for the following week based on which areas of maths need a little work.

Obviously we are aware that there will be some questions which the children cannot do yet because we might not have covered it yet but the papers will allow the children to be exposed to what these papers might look like.

Please give the children 15/20 minutes. If you can, please go through the questions with the children after to help them to understand.

Year 6 Arithmetic-Paper-1a

If you think this might be a little too hard, please try the Year 5 test. It’s all good practice.



On Monday, the children will be completing an independent written task. It will be based on the English unit they have just completed so hopefully, all the language, features and punctuation they need to include will be fresh in their minds. We have looked at ‘How to survive a zombie outbreak,’ ‘how to survive being stranded on a desert island’ and finally ‘how to survive attending Pontesbury Primary School.’ The children’s independent write will be about how to go to Arthog and survive! We will be sending their writing through to the current Year 5’s once finished.

Below is the planning sheet the children will use to help structure their thoughts and ideas. Please can the children fill it in and bring it in so they can use it for their written piece. We have sectioned off the planning sheet into an area to follow the structure they have practised before.

How to survive Arthog-plan

Please look back at their writing about how to survive PPS or the desert island piece to give you ideas about how you can adapt these ideas to ones about Arthog.

Things to think about:

  • What would be useful for the Year 5 children to know to help them survive the week?
  • What would they need to bring?
  • What are the first things you should do when you arrive?


Reading- Please read a book of your choice (min 20/30 minutes). It is so important to keep this ticking over to expose you to lots of vocabulary choices . You never know, you might use something that you have read in your own writing!


We are carrying on with looking at Moses and how he seems a pivotal character in promoting the Christian idea that God can bring freedom and justice. I have put together a little PP to go over the lesson. I have put a weblink on the first page. Although aimed for younger children, it is a great story/ clip designed to get you up to speed with the story of Moses and how is is considered important in both Christian and Jewish faith.

life as a slave

Today, we are considering and thinking carefully about what life would have been like for at Hebrew slave in Egypt. All I want you to do is consider appropriate vocabulary you could use (perhaps use a thesaurus?) Then I would like you to draw to pictures of two key moments in Moses’s life up until then and write a sentence underneath explaining it, use the extracts from the bible to help you.

Events in Moses life bible extracts