Home learning 30.9.21

Here are the activities for anyone having to self-isolate today.


Today, we have started looking at lists. We thought about when someone may write a list and what a list looks like. If you were at Forest School yesterday, think about the stick house that you made. Which of the three little pigs made the house out of sticks in the story? What is needed to make a house out of sticks or twigs? Use the writing frame below to write a list of what you used/what the pig would need. Can you see the big black dots that begin each line? These are called bullet points. You need to write each list item next to a bullet point like in the example list.


In music we went for a sound walk around school using the map of the school. We hovered outside different rooms to see what we could hear and then marked them on the map. Go for a sound walk around your house, visiting the different rooms and your garden. Listen really carefully in each place. What can you hear? Are these loud sounds or quiet sounds? Are they nice sounds? Why? Why not?


In maths we have been doing some more addition, using number lines. Watch the video up to 30 seconds to remind yourself how to use a number line to add. number line

Have a go at completing this sheet, thinking carefully about how many jumps you need to do to add on the right amount. What number will you ‘land’ on? Kangaroo addition


In RE, we recapped the 5Ks worn at all times by Sikhs. Can you remember any of these? (bracelet, uncut hair, comb, shorts, dagger)

Then we looked at the Sikh flag and had a go at making our own. The symbol in the middle is very important and is made up of two daggers, a sword and a circle. You could try and find out what these mean to Sikhs by doing some research.

Using paper, a straw/stick and the symbol below, have a go at making your own Nishan Sahib (Sikh flag). It is usually orange or blue and looks like this:

What is the saffron flag (Nishan Sahib) on the Gurdwara?

Khanda (Sikh symbol) - Wikipedia

Hope to see you very soon!

Ms Vincent x