Home Learning 30.9.21


Today we have been making more nets of 3d shapes.  We have had a go at drawing our own; you need to be very accurate with this otherwise the net wont work.  Have a look at the sheet below and see if you can make a net of your own.  You will need a pencil, ruler and some squared paper would be really helpful.  There three levels of challenge – choose which activity you can manage.

nets 1

nets 2

We have been also creating a poster with the key properties of common 2d and 3d shapes.

Have a look at this website on these pages to check you are familiar with most 2d and 3d shapes (don’t worry about the torus one!).  Click on the shape to see its properties.  You can make a poster to help you remember any if you wish.

2d shapes

3d shapes


Today we have used the model text – How to survive on a desert island – to write our own instructions for ‘How to survive at Pontesbury Primary School’.

We looked at each section together and discussed how we could adapt it to moving to a new school.  Have a read through the desert island text again, then read through the example we wrote as a class.  There are two examples of an introduction as we had two good ideas – you only need to write one type.

Instruction start

When you have read them – think about how you could write your own version just like ours about starting Pontesbury Primary School.  Before we started writing, we looked at the Year 5 and 6 spelling list and picked out 5 or 6 words we thought we could use in this text.  Just jot them on a scrap piece of paper and keep them close by when you are writing and see if you can use them and spell them correctly!

Spelling list

Reading – Please read your reading book.

PE – this afternoon we had PE with Crossbar so please try to get some exercise at home – you may wish to have another go at the Born to Move video