Home learning 3.12.21


We haven’t had any maths today because the class were finishing off a Science experiment. Please have a go at the mental arithmetic paper to keep refreshing your skills on areas  we have covered.



We wrote up our ‘Magic Box’ poems into neat for display purposes. We first made improvements and reminded ourselves on the structure. Some children illustrated their poem around the edges, some drew a picture in the background. Only do this when your poem is finished.

We completed our spelling test as well. Please get an adult to test you. The new spellings for next week are already on our class page.



Please access our computer programme we follow on ilearn2. Enter in the activity code Z131. We are looking at computers and how they have evolved over time. We are looking at Pupil Activity 2. Please watch the video first to give you an idea about the timeline. Read the information to the side of the video too.

Timeline Task
Pupils can create a timeline of their own computing history (the different computers/games consoles etc they have at home). Pupil can find images of the devices they have had at home and then research when/who/what/why. Alternatively, pupils could select 6-8 important moments from the History of Computing display/video to focus more research on.