Home learning 29.3.22


Today, we solved subtraction questions using a number line. Remember that, in Year 1 when we subtract, we start from the biggest number. Start by watching this video: using a number line

Use the number line carefully, counting back to find your answer. Subtraction from 10


We looked for features in poems today. We started by going back over features of a poem and agreed on the following list:

they can have rhyme

they can have verses

there may be alliteration

there may be onomatopoeia

Can you find these features in any of these poems? poems


This afternoon, the children have been talking about how we change as we get older and thinking about things that we have learnt to do in Year 1 that we didn’t know how to do before! The children started by listening to the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. How does the caterpillar change? The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Can you think of three things that you can do now that you couldn’t do when you were younger? How are you able to do these things now? Have a good discussion with an adult. Maybe you could write down your ideas as sentences.


The class have PE this afternoon with Crossbar. Enjoy the sunshine by playing in the garden or going for a walk – if you are well enough of course!