Home Learning 28.9.21

Hi everyone, hopefully you got on ok yesterday.

Here’s the work from Monday


Today we were visualising 3d shapes from 2d drawings

Have a look through the Powerpoint below and think about the questions.  Then try the homework sheet.

monday for home learning

Visualising shapes


Today we were practising using Subordinating Conjunctions to start our sentences.  Have a look through the slides below and try to write your own sentences.

Monday for home

Reading comprehension

Boy on the Canal Stage 6 Comp – Comprehension Pack


Today we revisited programming with Scratch.  Scratch is a free website where you can practise coding and programming to make your own games.

Please visit ilearn2 and enter the pupil activity code 4T46 then click go

This will guide you through how to make a maze game using Scratch – watch the tutorials and then have a go.