Home learning 28.3.22


In maths today, we have been solving addition questions by using a number line. Even though we can do addition in any order, it makes sense to start with the biggest number. Solve these questions, keeping that in mind. The number line at the top of the sheet will help you:


In English, we will be looking at animal poems for the next couple of weeks. We started today by discussing what a poem is. We agreed that often a poem has rhyme in it though not always, that a poem is shorter than a story and that it is not information writing. Have you got any poems in your book collection? See if you can find one and have a look what else you notice. We talked about the writing being organised into verses and how each line starts with a capital letter, even when it is not a new sentence. Have a look at some poems and see if these features apply! If you do not have access to any poems, see if you can find some on the internet. This website may help: https://childrens.poetryarchive.org/


Did you remember to change your clocks at the weekend?! You may have noticed that it is lighter for longer in the evenings now that we are in spring. Have a go at making a pictogram, using the information on the table, which shows the number of hours of daylight for each season. Answer the questions too. You will need to visit this website and then download the free activity. daylight hours pictogram

Have a great day and see you soon.