Home learning 28.1.22

Home learning

Maths 27.1.22

Here is your starter that you would normally have on the board. This starter is to help keep ticking over things we have already learnt in class.

  • 1) 30% of 40
  • 2) 55% of 120
  • 3) 2% of 140
  • 4) 99% of 630
  • 5) 25% of 232

Remember to find 10% means to divide the quantity by 10.

5% means to half 10%

1% means to divide the quantity by 100.

25% is the same as ¼ and 50% is the same as ½

Main lesson LO: To use BODMAS

We have started to look at following a certain mathematical order when we are faced with calculations where there is more then one operation to do.

E.g. 2 + 3 x 4 =

Now, if I were to ask you to solve this, you might end up with two answers. E.g. 2  + 3 = 5 x 4 = 20  or 3 x 4 = 12 + 2 = 14. It’s impossible to end up with two different answers therefore, we must follow an order.

We call this BODMAS or BIDMAS (means the same thing!) It is effectively a checklist/an ordering in which we must follow in order to answer the question correctly. Please see the poster below to help you remember the order. So if I have followed the order right I should have done the 3 x 4 = 12 first, then + 2 = 14.

BODMAS poster – BIDMAS BODMAS poster

I have done a small PP to help you introduce the topic and have gone through a couple of examples. BODMAS PP

You have 3 options for your work.

Option 1 – This is the support sheet for this lesson. It’s fairly simple but it might give you the confidence as you start off on this lesson. Lesson 3 Support BODMAS

Option 2 – To use the Busy Ants book we use at school and focus on Challenge 1 and Challenge 2. BODMAS maths lesson BA

Option 3 – If you fancy a challenge. These are trickier but you need to follow the BODMAS order in order for you to crack the code. BIDMAS Crack the Code Worksheet

(Answers for Option 3 are here, no peeking!) BIDMAS Crack the Code Worksheet (Answers)

Maths 28.1.22

Starter- Here is today’s starter, please complete. Friday’s starter

Main lesson

Today’s lesson is a revision lesson in all thing’s calculation. We want to see that you have the strategies perfected for all four operations. The questions are a mixture of worded and normal. Make sure you put one digit in each box and give the decimal a box all to itself if you need to.

You know how the books work.

Challenge 1 – Easiest- Make sure you read whether the questions are addition or subtraction.

Challenge 2 – Medium but you will need to read the worded problems carefully in case there are multiple steps.

Challenge 3 – Slightly more challenging. If you complete this challenge this will also help you revise percentages (%) too!

You do not need to answer all of the questions, but we would like you to complete an entire challenge please.

Calculation review maths Busy Ants 28.1.22