Home learning 28.09.21

This is the home-learning for those children who are at home isolating.

This morning, in English, we have been busy writing labels for items in the classroom. We found lots of trays had the labels missing! We used ‘s’ for plurals eg when we wrote shells, bricks, cups, jigsaws, etc. Groups of children also went on walks around school in search of examples of signs and labels. Could you find any examples in your house?

For letters and sounds, we looked at some tricky words; were, there, little, one. Then we looked at two-syllable words, such as windmill, treetop, lunchbox, sandwich, starlight and sandpit. These are also known as compound words. Here is a link to a game involving similar words. compound word challenge

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In Maths, we began adding numbers below 10 together using pictures. Have a go at solving some similar questions on this sheet number addition

In Geography, we continued to look at map symbols and followed a simple map of the school, focusing on directional language eg left, right, forwards and backwards. Ask an adult to direct you from one room in your house to another, using this language.

We also had PE today so try and make time to exercise and keep healthy. You may like to try this: Cosmic Kids Yoga