Home learning 28.02.22

Hello! to those isolating at home. Here is the work we did today.


Our Maths unit this week is on fractions. Today, we looked at how to work out what the fractions were on the fraction lines by counting the intervals between the whole numbers. Have a go at Challenge 1 and move onto 2 if you feel confident. Maths 28.02


Monday lesson ppt

We started a new book today. Please have a look at the part reveal of the front cover on the first slide – What do you think the book will be about? What do you think the title will be? Then go through the powerpoint to find out what the front cover truly looks like and answer the questions. Here is the word document you need for the matching activity – Look at the words in blue first – do you know any of them? Then try and find the correct definition. You could check your ideas in a dictionary or discuss with an adult.

In the afternoon, we did PE and Art. You could try sketching the font cover (without the words) or even make a collage of it.

Please remember to read your reading book.

Here is the Topmarks link for practising your times tables. Topmarks

My email is Amanda.Smout@ppce.co.uk if you would like to get in touch.