Home learning 26.11.21

Here are some activities for children self-isolating today.

We started today with a nativity practice. Please keep learning your line until you can say it confidently and loudly!


Today, we were counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Use Paint the Squares to practise this, starting with 2s and then doing 5s and then 10s. Talk about the patterns you notice. Most children find counting in 5s very tricky. See if you can order the multiples using this sheet: Ordering-Numbers-in-5s-to-50-Activity


Ask an adult to read your spelling words out loud whilst you try to write each one without peeking! Please let us know if you get them all right. Can you put each of your spellings into a sentence and write the whole thing? Don’t forget to use capital letters and full stops.


Today we went outside to play some games. One of these was ‘Pac Man’. We played in teams and developed strategies for winning. Have you got a game like ‘Connect Four’ or Ludo? Have a game with an adult and see if you can develop your skills.

Alternatively, you may like to join in with this dance session: Autumn weather

It’s going to be quite cold this weekend. The weather getting colder is a sign that winter isn’t too far away. Do you know of any other signs of winter? See if you can spot some on a walk with a grown up.

Wrap up warm everyone! See you soon. x