Home learning 23.11.21

Hello! Here is the work for those self-isolating at home.

Please make sure that you practice your spellings and read your reading book.


Today, we looked at number bonds to 5 then 10. Can you take 5 items then move one slightly away from the group and write the number sentence for it eg 4 + 1 – 5. Repeat for all the other number sentences up to 5. When you have mastered that, move onto number bonds to 10. Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets here to help Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets


We have been reading the Owl Babies book by Martin Waddell so today we began to retell the story in our own words. You can find the story here Owl Babies video Can you retell the story in your own words to someone at home? Write the beginning of the story down. The beginning of the the story introduces the Owl characters and the setting – that’s where they live. Can you remember what happens one night? Just write up to the part where the owls have woken up and how they are feeling about being left on their own for the first time. Remember to use Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

We have been practising our Nativity play today so please could you practise your words.

We had a visit from The Shropshire Music Service today. Mr Ricard played his guitar to us. If you would like to play an instrument please do ask Mrs Smout or Ms Vincent for a leaflet.

We also did P.E. You could try and do some exercise. You could try some yoga Yoga video

Keep smiling, Year ones!