Home-learning 22.3.22

Here is the home-learning or those, self-isolating.

We have been looking at data handling this week. Here is the Maths that we did today:

maths tuesday

In English, we wrote our independent stories, today. Try writing your own adventure story including all the features we have learned about in the last few weeks, e.g. expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials followed by commas, conjunctions and speech punctuation. Remember to write in paragraphs too!

Your spellings this week are  -tion words: pollution, injection, condition, vibration, donation, situation, information, construction, inspection, calendar, caught.

If you do the easier spellings, these are un- and -dis words: unable, unclear, untie, unpack, disown, disobey, dislike, disagree, fruit, often.

Please remember to read your book, too.


We had French today. We recapped on the colours and learned about the weather. Try creating an account on Duolingo. Link here: French