Home Learning 22.11.21


Today we used our story plan from Friday to write our own flashback story.

It should consist of

Paragraph 1 – arrive at firework display.

Paragraph 2 – describe the sights, sounds and smells of the event.

Paragraph 3 – firework display starts

Paragraph 4 – flashback to time fighting in the war

Paragraph 5 – back to present day

Paragraph 6 – head home from the event.

Please have a go at writing your entire story today.  It should take about an hour to write.  You may wish to do it in two half hour blocks.

We will check and edit our work tomorrow.


Today we look at decimals with 3 digit numbers

The powerpoint below contains our questions from the introduction to look through and discuss.  Then try the questions from the text book.  There are 3 challenges.  Try to complete Challenge 2.  You may try challenge 1 first if you’re unsure, or move on to Challenge 3 if you’re feeling confident.


decimals sheet

Geography – following on from our work on Population, we are going to look at conservation and ways we can help our look after our planet.  We will complete a little project learning about the work of Sir David Attenborough and his recommendations for how we conserve our planet.

Have a read through the following powerpoint

PDF Life on our planet -no links

Here are the links to the Video clips as the file was too big to upload.

A life on our planet trailer




Today we started to design our William Morris inspired print.

Please use this sheet to have a go at making your design.  Use the pictures around the outside as inspiration.  Choose either a bird or flower as your focal point and then add leaves to make a background.  Please just do this as one small piece of your pattern.  We will transfer this design to tiles for printing a repeating pattern next week.

william morris design