Home learning 2.12.21


Today we looked at converting miles to km and back again.

Key information that you will need to remember: 

(you should be able to spot a pattern)

  • 1 miles = 1.6 km or 1600 m
  • so 5 miles = 8 km.
  • so 10 miles = 16 km

We looked at using conversion graphs/ They look a little like line graphs and are plotted like coordinate. Both of which you have done in class before!

E.g 5 miles /8km is plotted on the conversion graph as (5,8)

You will need a ruler and a sharp pencil in order to complete this work.

Conversion graphs


We used our ideas from yesterday’s thought shower to construct our version of the ‘Magic Box’ poem.

We looked at one that Mrs Hilditch wrote using her ideas and talked about how she has considered the poetic features needed to help create an image in the reader’s mind, e.g. personification metaphors etc. We also talked about how each stanza was specifically talking about one of the senses you collected yesterday. Such as the first stanza is all about sight and the second is sounds etc. poem example

Then we used this writing frame to help follow and keep to the structure of the poem. Remember that each new idea needs a new line. You can write on the writing frame or you can write it without. The Magic Box Writing Frame


It’s really important you keep plugging away at your reading. Please find attached a reading comprehension that I think will allow you the opportunity to discuss the topic in much better detail with adults at home. It is differentiated so please pick an appropriate level.
