Home Learning 2.11.21

Here are the activities for anyone self isolating today.


Letters and Sounds

Please have a look at your sound mat and go through all the Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. Hopefully you are starting to get more confident with these now that we have finished learning all of Phase 2.

Then, have a go at writing the CVC words below. You can print out the sheet or just write them straight onto paper. Remember to use your sound mat and word builder to help you.

CVC Words



This week we are learning about 2d shapes. Have a look around your house, can you find anything that’s the same shape as a circle, square, triangle and rectangle?

Then, put these shapes into a bag and take it in turns with your grown up to feel the shape and describe it to each other. For example, I might say ‘It is a shape with 4 straight sides and 4 corners, all the sides are the same length.’ and you would be able to guess from the clues that it’s a square.


Forest School

This afternoon we were starting to make Christmas decorations, maybe take the time to start decorating your house if you haven’t already, or make a new Christmas decoration!


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts