Home learning 18.11.20

Here are activities for those children who are off school today as a result of having to self-isolate.


Today we have completed a piece of independent writing all about ‘our school’. Can you write sentences on your own all about school? Here are some questions to think about:

Where is the school?

What are the names of the children and the staff?

What is there to do at school?

What do you like to do at school?

Is there anything you would like to improve about school?

Make sure you read through your sentences carefully, making sure you have a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Sound each word out carefully.


Today we looked at directions including left, right, up and down. With an adult, play a game such as ‘Simon Says’ with an adult giving instructions like: ‘wave your right hand’ or ‘bend down’, ‘look up to the ceiling’, ‘wiggle your left foot’ and so on. Then have a go at this activity sheet: BusyAnt_y1_u3_w3_HG_1


We read the story of ‘Noah’s Ark’ today and discussed how this story teaches Christians that it is important to listen to God. We talked about ways we could make sure we are ‘good’, regardless of whether or not we are Christians, so that the world is a happier place. Many children suggested that we could recycle and take better care of our planet; some children talked about taking care of animals and of each other. Other suggestions included planting new trees and flowers. What ideas can you think of? Write down some words or phrases.


Today we looked at longer words and how they can be broken down into two syllables when we are sounding them out or writing them. These are the words we practised reading and writing:





Can you read these words? Now try to sound them out and write them without looking! Don’t forget to keep practising your spellings too.

We hope to see you soon,

Mrs Garcia x