Home Learning 17.11.21


Today we completed our final maths paper.

Please try the one below.

KS2 Reasoning – Pack 1 – Test 1b


Today we read an extract from Michael Morpurgo’s Private Peaceful which described what life was like in World War 1 trenches and on the battlefield.

We then look at the pictures and tried to detailed ideas of what we would see, hear, smell and feel in that setting.

Please try to print off the sheet and add notes like a spider diagram with ideas for each of the senses.    It is just labelling the pictures with ideas today.   You will use your ideas to write a description tomorrow.

eg Sights – sky – The sky was filled with thick, black smoke from the never-ending explosions that turned night into day.

Description ideas sheet.

Anti-bullying week

This afternoon we thought about how when you say something nice to someone or do something kind for someone it can give them a really lovely, happy feeling.   We tried to think of one word to sum up how it made us feel.

We came up with: loved, valued, respected, equal, confident, courageous…

You may have an idea of your own.  We then used our art skills to write our word on a poster and make it look amazing.

Please try to create your own kind word poster and colour it with whatever you have at home.