Home learning 16.2.22


We continued looking at 3D shapes today, focusing in particular on cubes and cuboids. How many cubes are there in this picture? How many cuboids?

If you have construction materials (such as Lego or klixi), see if you can make some models of cubes and cuboids. Maybe you can find some things in your recycle box that are cubes or cuboids. How many faces are there on each? What shape are these faces?

We also took turns to have a go at this shape game, completing the pattern with the correct 2D shape: shape patterns


Today, we wrote sentences to do with the seasons and day length. Are the days longer or shorter in summer? Do you know why? This video may help you to understand more about how we have day and night: day and night

Can you write a sentence about day length and how the days get longer as the summer approaches? Here is an idea of what you could write (if an adult dictates it to you):

In winter, the days are short and in the summer the days are longer.

Remember the ‘er’ endings on ‘short’ and ‘long’. You may want to write a sentence about when the days are the longest and when they are the shortest.

Quiz time!

The whole school enjoyed a quiz in the hall today. Below are the quiz questions that I set for the Year 1s. Can you answer them?

  1. Which season comes after summer?
  2. Is a cat a reptile, amphibian or mammal?
  3. Can you name a month that is in winter?
  4. What do you call an animal that only eats plants?
  5. Name two things an animal needs to survive. (Answers: food, water, shelter)
  6. Name all four countries of the UK.
  7. In what season would you need to wrap up really warm as it is the coldest season?
  8. What does the word ‘temperature’ mean?
  9. What is a flood?
  10. Say two things that we can do to help our planet against climate change (chn may need climate change explaining as the planet getting warmer).


This afternoon was PE. As it is currently wet and windy outside, why not enjoy this yoga routine in the comfort of your own cosy living-room?! This one will also remind you of the importance of washing your hands! Cosmic Kids

Stay warm and dry. See you soon. x