Home learning 15.2.22


In maths today we have been looking at 3D shapes again and have become more confident knowing the names of them. Enjoy listening to this song to recap the names of the shapes we are learning: 3D shapes

See if you can tell an adult how many faces each of the shapes have. For example, on a cube, there are six faces and they are all squares.

Use the matching colours at the top of the sheet to colour in each shape. As you can see, all of the spheres are red. That one has been done for you.


In English, we have been writing sentences about autumn and have also written a caption for a chosen autumn photo. Do a safe search on the internet WITH AN ADULT to find a nice picture of something to do with autumn. What caption can you write for this photo? Remember to start your sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop. Can you use ‘and’ in your sentence to make it longer?


In phonics, we have been looking at different spelling patterns for the ‘ee’ sound. How many different words can you find in this story that contain the ‘ee’ sound? phoneme spotter story


Today, we will be talking about hygiene. Have a chat with an adult about what this means. Why do we wash our hands? What else do you need to wash or brush every day? Why? Can you make a poster to teach people why it is so important to wash your hands or brush your teeth?

Have a lovely day and see you soon.