Home learning 14.2.22

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here are the activities for those of you self-isolating.


We have been learning about 3D shapes today. Start by watching this clip: 3D shape song How many of these shape names can you remember?

Can you find any items around your house that are the following shapes?

cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder

Why do you think the things are made from that particular shape? Is there a reason?


In English today we did an assessment (grammar). You will get the chance to do this when you return to school so don’t worry!

We have moved on to writing about autumn in our booklets. What can you remember about the season of autumn? Chat with an adult to recap what you know. See if you learn any new facts from watching this video: Autumn

Write three full sentences all about autumn. Make sure you start each one with a capital letter and end them with a full stop. Can you include the word ‘and’ in one of your sentences?


Today, we have been looking at different animal groups and sorting animals into the right groups. Learn about the 5 main groups by watching this video: Animal groups

What is you favourite animal? Do you know if this animal is a mammal, bird, reptile, fish or amphibian? What are the clues? Can you fill in the animal fact file on your favourite animal? You may need to do a bit of research to find out what it eats and where it lives. animal fact file 2022

Don’t forget to read your reading book and practise your spellings. Please see Friday’s post for the list of spellings.

Stay warm and see you soon. x