Home learning 12.11.21

Here are Friday’s activities.


Today we have been counting in 5s. Most of us found this a bit tricky. Use this game Paint the Squares and choose the 1-20 option after pressing ‘play game’. What is the first number you say after 0 if you count on 5? It would be 5! Highlight this on the number square/rectangle. What would the next number be? Carry on until you have highlighted 5, 10, 15 and 20. Do you notice any pattern? What do you think the next number would be if you were to carry on? Why? Practise saying these numbers a few times. Confident children may want to use the 1-50 option and keep counting in 5s up to 50.


Today we were writing noun phrases to describe things in a setting. A noun phrase is two words together, one being the item (noun) and the other being an adjective. For example, ‘bright moon’. Look at this picture of the setting in Owl Babies. What can you see? Can you write some noun phrases for some of these things? (branch, trees, leaves, owls)


This afternoon was PE. We did circuit training using four different activities. Use a timer to time yourself for 1 minute doing the following (one thing at a time!):

star jumps

stepping up and down from your first stair

running from one point in the garden to another (or walking in the hallway)

touching your toes

How many times can you do each of the above before 1 minute runs out? Have a second round and see if you can beat each of your scores!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and hopefully see you next week. x