Home learning 11.2.22

Here are the activities for those children self-isolating.


We practised number bonds to 10 today. Using counters or similar to help you, can you write down all of the pairs of numbers that go together to make 10? We know that 5 and 5 make 10 but can you work out the others?! Write each one down as a number sentence (e.g. 5+5=10). You may enjoy playing this game too: Hit the Button (click on the ‘number bonds’ option and then ‘make 10’).

Forest School

In Forest School today, we looked for signs of early spring and were quite excited by all the things we found! Next time you are in the garden or on a walk, see how many of these things you can spot! spring hunt checklist


In English today, we did our spelling test. Ask an adult to say each of your spelling words and then see if you can write it without looking! We also looked ahead to next week’s spellings and the grapheme in them. These are the spellings for next week (your child will know what group they are in):

Yellows: cow, now, how, wow, bow, the, this, that

Greens: shape, amaze, blade, frame, flame, came, gaze, plate

Blues: whale, shape, shake, amaze, space, trace, surname, pancake


Computing today involved directions and programming. Can you direct someone to get from one room of the house to another using words like ‘forward’, ‘turn left’ and ‘turn right’? It’s important that we sequence instructions in the right order.

Next, have a go at this traffic light activity. Which of the pictures would come first in the sequence? Which one comes second? Stick each picture in the right order. traffic_lights

Have a lovely weekend and we hope to see you soon. x