Home Learning 1.12.21


Today we have been learning how to convert units of measurement and solve measurement problems.

We recapped that 1m = 100 cm

1km = 1000m

1cm = 10mm

We used our knowledge of x and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 from last week to help us convert.

Have a go at the sheet below see how far you can go.  Can you complete challenge 3?

Converting lengths


This week we have started a unit on poetry.  We have been look at the features poets use to create images with their words.   Read through the two poems below and see what you can picture in your mind as you read.  Then have a look at the language features on the sheet below can you write some sentences using each of the features.  Use the best, most poetic language you can.


Language features


Please read your book and talk about it with someone at home.


Try a Born to Move at home if you are well enough.


Please also log in to TTRockstars and practise your times tables.