Home Learning 1.10.21


Today we have been making more nets of 3d shapes but this time we have been looking at making the nets of 3D shapes which have triangular faces.  We have had a go at drawing our own; you need to be very accurate with this otherwise the net won’t work.  Have a look at the sheet below and see if you can make a net of your own.  You will need a pencil, ruler, some dotty paper, scissors and some glue.  There three levels of challenge – choose which activity you can manage.

nets 3

nets 4




Today we have used the model text – How to survive on a desert island – to continue to write our own instructions for ‘How to survive at Pontesbury Primary School’.

We looked at the method part today and discussed how we could adapt it to moving to a new school.  We asked the questions “What key things would a child need to do in order to start and survive at Pontesbury?” and it got us thinking about different questions we could answer in or method such as:

  • How would we learn where things are?
  • How would we make friends?
  • Why do we need to be nice to Mrs Thomas?
  • Why would getting to know Mrs Giles be useful to help you settle in?

These questions helped us to structure a method in a sequenced order (remember your numbered steps!)

Please refer back to ‘How to survive on a desert island’ to see if you can change/adapt to your version.

I will attach the working document/ class collaboration that we used today to give you a starting point.  I apologise for the highlighting but we discussed key parts in class such as punctuation and grammar (hence the green) and the orange highlighting is to prove that we can included some 5/6 spelling words!

When you have read them – think about how you could write your own version just like ours about starting Pontesbury Primary School.  Before we started writing, we looked at the Year 5 and 6 spelling list and picked out 5 or 6 words we thought we could use in this text.  Just jot them on a scrap piece of paper and keep them close by when you are writing and see if you can use them and spell them correctly!



It’s so important for the children to keep reading at home. These comprehensions are designed to not only allow the children to learn new information about a particular topic but also to expose them to a wider range of vocabulary. If there are words your are unsure about, please ask an adult at home to help you or to discuss the words used and why.

Lady Mary Montagu Stage 6 Comp – Comprehension Pack


We are looking at refraction this week! There isn’t alot of written work to do in this lesson but a couple of fun experiments you can try to show refraction. There is a web link on one of the slides so please use it to help further explain. Have a read through the PP and see what you think!

Refraction lesson