Home-learning 02.03.22

For those isolating at home, here is what we got up to today…


Fractions. We divided numbers by 10 to find tenths and by 100 to find hundredths. We talked about moving numbers to the right once in the place value chart: Th H T O when dividing by 10 and twice to the right when dividing by 100. Here is the Busy Ants sheet we did. Choose the challenge which is right for you. Finding tenths and Hundredths


We read the story of ‘Four Feet, Two Sandals’. You can hear it being read here: Story

We discussed the events/issues that Lina had to face in the story and how she might feel. Try this activity: Task


I introduced the new topic of ‘States of Matter’. We discussed the 3 types: Solids, Liquids & Gases. We looked at lots of examples and sorted them into the 3 groups, e.g. ice lolly, paper, oxygen, rock, helium, lemonade, sponge, cream, etc We discussed that some of these can change states. We then looked at the particle arrangements. This video clip might help you understand:  clip

We also did our reading skills work and practised our times tables.