Help Needed Please

Hi Year 6 – Mrs Hilditch here!

I really need your help.  I will be sending a letter home today about an after school club starting on Monday next week.

This is the information from the letter

Over the past few weeks I have been training to become a certified instructor for the Les Mills Born to Move kids exercise programme.  This class involves dance, kicking and punching tracks, core exercises, yoga and relaxation.  It is quite a challenging class, but it is good fun and you can take it at your own pace and level.  It is suitable for both boys and girls and I know lots of you will love it.

I really need some of you to volunteer to come to an after school club on a Monday for the next few weeks so we can practise together.  It will be from 3:15 – 4:15pm.  Before the end of term I will need to film myself teaching a group and send it off to my assessor to gain my qualification.   

So if you are willing to join the club for a few weeks – it will only be open to the Year 6 bubble – then please complete the form, return it on Monday and come in your PE kit. 

There will be no session during Arthog week so we may need to squeeze in an extra session or two at a lunchtime.

I really hope some of you can help me out.

Thank you.

Mrs Hilditch