
Dear all Year 4 Parents,

I’d like to introduce myself, officially, as your child’s new Teacher. It feels a little strange introducing myself at this point in the school year but very exciting, all the same. I am quickly learning all about the children’s interests and where they are academically. They are a truly lovely bunch.

I will be teaching every Monday – Thursday and Ms Knowler will be teaching on a Friday.

We continue to do P.E. on Mondays and Fridays. I will also endeavour to include a Forest School session, once or twice a half-term, on a Wednesday, as I know they love doing this. I will inform you of these sessions via text. Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and tested the following week.

My email address is Amanda.Smout@ppce.co.uk Please do get in touch if you need to.

Amanda Smout