Happy half-term.

Firstly, thank you very much to all of the parents who have been to see me for parents evening. If you were unable to make this week then please get in touch and I will try and arrange another slot for you.

The evenings were very positive with many of you saying that your child has settled well into Year 5. This was good to hear as they have made a good start.

One comment that I mentioned a few times was about the need for the children to practise the spelling word list for Year 5 and 6. It is attached. It would be fabulous if the children could work on this.

I also showed most parents the information tab at the top of Room 7. This will be updated by the end of the holidays to show what we will be covering next half term. It also has the link to Edplace that I mentioned to some.

I wish all families a good half-term break and I look forward to seeing all of the children on Monday 31st October. This will be a normal day as PE times are remaining on a Wednesday and Friday.


Mr Morris


Super Leeds