Half Term

The end of the first half term. The children have worked really well this half term. We have completed a reading comprehension test, a spelling, punctuation and grammar test and three maths tests. They have written an unaided story and wrote a biography. The children have also completed an end of unit assessment for science and R.E. For history they have written an essay where they had to say how the Industrial Revolution has changed our daily lives. All of this has taken place over the last two weeks!!

Over the next two weeks I will send you details of how your child has settled into Year 6 and tell you their scores in the various tests they have completed. You will have this before parents evening.

As a result of all of their hard work I really hope they can enjoy the holidays without worrying about any school work. Next half term will be another one where they will be working hard in school so please let them have fun and forget about school.

The Golden Achievers today were: Oscar, Jamie, Maddie and Lily. They all represented Room 7 in a school quiz and did really well.

I wish everyone a great half term holiday. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch.

