Golden achiever

This has been really tricky this week. There has been fantastic work by a number of children. Lots of them have worked so well so I hope they know I have noticed but I can’t give everybody the award. I am though giving three awards this week. They are not in any order but all three had to be recognised this week

The first is to Bailey Lowe.

This week Bailey has answered 3001 maths questions on sumdog which is 500 more than the next person and 1000 more than anyone else. He has spent an astonishing 11 hours on maths this week. He came 4th out of 122 students in Shropshire and 1st in our class. Not only that he has been completing other work and congratulating others on their efforts. An incredible week, well done Bailey


The second is to William Mort.

This week Will has completed every activity set. He has spent hours on sumdog and literacy planet where has has been set really difficult work. Sumdog will tell me what age they are working at on certain topics. At times this week Will has successfully tackled Year 7 work. He is always sensible enough to ask if he is unsure of something and continues to push himself in all areas. Another great week Will, well done.

The third is to Jamie Roberts

Ever since we have started home schooling Jamie has tackled everything with great enthusiasm. He completes every task and then does more. I am particularly impressed with his baking. This week however he has gone above and beyond. He was ill on Monday so completed no work. On Tuesday he sent me Monday and Tuesday’s work as he was desperate to catch up. On Thursday he worked late desperate to do well in sumdog and was rewarded with a top10 place. What a week, well done Jamie