Friday’s work

For those self-isolating today, you can complete your Arithmetic paper and your spelling test at home. New spellings will be posted later. Year 5 Summer Test 6

Please remember to practice your times tables too! Try Ttrockstars or Hit the Button.

Here is a reading comprehension for you too: Percy Poll Choose the one which is best for you. (*** hardest)

In school, on Thursday, we looked at the names for some French animals and stated what animals we had at home. Could you find out the French names for: cat, dog, mouse, guinea-pig, horse. bird, gold-fish, rabbit, tortoise, snake and hamster. We also revised how to say colours in French. Bonne chance!

It’s PE this afternoon so try a work out. It’s been a while since we have seen Joe Wicks – why not look up one of his?