Friday’s work

I can’t believe that it is the last day of this half term. The time has gone very quickly. I want to say how pleased I am with all of Room 7. They are working so hard in very difficult circumstances. It is fantastic how they have kept going and encourage each other.

With it being the last day some children might want to spend time catching up on activities they haven’t done or extending activities they really enjoyed.

For maths both bitesize and whiterose have the same challenge. I have also put a challenge on sumdog all about fractions as that is what we have been looking at this week. Family challenge Friday

For English bitesize looks at a diary entry.

Have a look at making a computer game as a fun activity.

For a library session let the children enjoy reading their book.

I hope everyone has a super half term. If you need to get in touch please don’t hesitate to do so.