Friday’s work

Good morning. I hope yesterday’s format was ok. The timetable today is dance, maths, punctuation and grammar, spellings, French and library time. This would be our normal Friday.

Dance: The children can click on the link and choose a video to move/copy


Maths: The link is to a variety of times tables questions to colour in. They can choose whichever one they want. I am also happy for them to go on any times tables games like hit the button or TT rockstars


Punctuation and grammar:


Spellings: The spellings can be found in classroom. This is week 10. If you could test your child on week 10 then get them looking at week 11 that would be great

French: The link is to an interactive site where they learn the names of animals then play a game


Library: On a Friday we go to the library. Please let your child read their book in as a comfortable as a way as possible and enjoy some peace and quiet.

All information for the children is in classroom where they can get in touch with me. If some of the work is too hard or too easy please feel free to adapt as you like

Later today I will post an update. If you have any questions please ask.