Friday PE for Year 1

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year! We trust you all had a super Christmas break and that your child is looking forward to returning to school for an exciting spring term. You will have seen that Mrs Andrew has posted the PE days for each class on the school website today. For Year 1s, their session with Crossbar is Wednesday afternoon and their session with me will be a Friday morning. The Friday sessions will be alternated so that one week is dance/gym and the following is Forest School. For the dance/gym sessions, your child will need to come to school dressed in a PE kit suitable for indoor PE (leggings are fine as are joggers which are not too baggy or long) and for the Forest School session, they will need to come to school in suitable Forest School ‘scruffs’ and a waterproof coat. Here is an overview of which session is happening when for this first half term:

7.1.22: Dance

14.1.22: Forest School

21.1.22: Dance

28.1.22: Forest School

4.2.22: Dance

11.2.22: Forest School

18.2.22: Dance

We are looking forward to seeing your child tomorrow!

Ms Vincent and Mrs Smout